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Implementing the Standardized Schedule Method for Initial Margin Calculation in CDM

This summer TradeHeader contributed an implementation of the Standardized Schedule Method for calculating Initial Margin (IM) to the Common Domain Model (CDM). This blog post explains our open source contribution, providing background on margin calculation methods, the methodology for implementing this method in CDM, and a detailed breakdown of key functions and processes involved in deriving the final net initial margin.

For further details, visit the CDM Standardized Functions documentation.

The Context Behind the Contribution

The 2007 financial crisis exposed significant weaknesses in the OTC derivatives market. In response, regulators introduced margin requirements to reduce systemic risk. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) developed guidelines for two key IM calculation methods:

  • Standard Initial Margin Model (SIMM): Developed by ISDA, SIMM is a complex, risk-sensitive approach primarily used by large institutions with advanced portfolios. It takes into account netting and diversification, providing nuanced risk management.
  • Standardized Schedule Method: A simpler, more conservative method, ideal for smaller firms or those without advanced risk modelling tools. It uses predefined margin rates based on asset class and duration, making it accessible and easy to apply, helping firms achieve regulatory compliance.

Understanding the Standardized Schedule Method

The Standardized Schedule Method calculates margin requirements using fixed rates based on asset class and contract duration, aligning with BCBS-IOSCO’s simplified compliance approach. This method offers a structured process based on predefined margin rates:

Asset Class Initial Margin Requirement (%)
Credit: 0-2 year duration 2
Credit: 2-5 year duration 5
Credit: +5 year duration 10
Commodity 15
Equity 15
Foreign exchange 6
Interest rate: 0-2 year duration 1
Interest rate: 2-5 year duration 2
Interest rate: +5 year duration 4
Other 15


The net initial margin is calculated using the formula

Net Standardized IM = (0.4 x Gross IM) + (0.6 x NGR x Gross IM)

  • Gross IM: The total Initial Margin calculated by multiplying the notional amount by the corresponding margin rate from the schedule.
  • NGR (Net to Gross Ratio): This ratio adjusts the margin based on netting and hedging in the portfolio, reflecting actual risk exposure.

Methodology for CDM Implementation

Our approach to implementing the Standardized Schedule Method in the CDM framework follows these three steps:

  1. Identification of Required Inputs: Define key data elements needed for accurate initial margin calculation.
  2. Extraction of Trade Information: Develop and apply functions to gather and process trade data.
  3. Calculation of Initial Margin Amounts: Apply standardized formulas to compute the required gross and net initial margin.

Step 1: Identification of Inputs

To compute the initial margin using the standardized schedule method, specific inputs need to be identified form each trade:

  • Asset class: Defines the derivative’s category (e.g., credit, equity, commodity) which influences the margin rate.
  • Product class: A specific classification of the financial product, aligned with ISDA guidelines to ensure standardization.
  • Notional Amount: Represents the total value of the derivative contract, indicating the exposure size.
  • Notional Currency: Denotes the currency in which the notional amount is denominated.
  • Duration (in years): The time remaining until the derivative’s maturity, impacting the risk profile and margin requirement.

ISDA guidelines define the notional and duration for each product type, promoting uniformity and transparency in margin calculations across institutions and simplifying regulatory compliance.

Step 2: Extraction of Information

The BuildStandardizedSchedule function facilitates the extraction and calculation of key data points required for margin computation. This function internally calls other functions to ensure that relevant trade details are gathered accurately:

  • Asset class: Retrieved using StandardizedScheduleAssetClass function, identifying the asset type (e.g., credit, equity).
  • Product class: Identified through StandardizedScheduleProductClass function, which classifies the financial.
  • Notional Amount: Computed by StandardizedScheduleNotional, representing the derivative’s total value.
  • Notional Currency: Retrieved using StandardizedScheduleNotionalCurrency function, indicating the notional amount’s currency.
  • Duration (in years): Calculated by StandardizedScheduleDuration function, reflecting the time remaining until maturity.

The function BuildStandardizedSchedule is structured as follows:

     inputs: trade Trade (1..1)
     output: standardizedSchedule StandardizedSchedule (1..1)
     alias assetClass:
     alias productClass:
     set standardizedSchedule -> assetClass:assetClass
     set standardizedSchedule -> productClass: productClass
     set standardizedSchedule -> notional:
          StandardizedScheduleNotional(trade, assetClass, productClass)
     set standardizedSchedule -> notionalCurrency:
          StandardizedScheduleNotionalCurrency(trade, assetClass, productClass)
     set standardizedSchedule -> durationInYears:
          StandardizedScheduleDuration(trade, assetClass, productClass)

Step 3: Calculation of Initial Margin Amounts

Once the BuildStandardizedSchedule function has gathered the required data, the next step is to calculate the margin rate based on the trade’s asset class and duration, using the GetStandardizedScheduleMarginRate function:

     inputs: assetClass StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum (1..1)
                durationInYears number (1..1)
     output: percentage number (1..1)
     set percentage:
       if assetClass = StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> InterestRates then (
           if durationInYears <= 2 then 1.0
           else if durationInYears > 2 and durationInYears <= 5 then 2.0
           else if durationInYears > 5 then 4.0)
     else if assetClass = StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> Credit then (
           if durationInYears <= 2 then 2.0
           else if durationInYears > 2 and durationInYears <= 5 then 5.0
           else if durationInYears > 5 then 10.0)
     else if assetClass = StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> ForeignExchange then 6.0
     else if assetClass = StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> Equity then 15.0
     else if assetClass = StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> Commodity then 15.0

With the margin rate determined, the GetGrossInitialMarginFromStandardizedSchedule function calculates the gross initial margin by multiplying the notional amount by the margin rate:

func GetGrossInitialMarginFromStandardizedSchedule: 
     inputs: standardizedSchedule StandardizedSchedule (1..1)
     output: grossInitialMargin Money (0..1)
     alias initialMarginRequirement:
          GetStandardizedScheduleMarginRate(standardizedSchedule -> assetClass,           
          standardizedSchedule -> durationInYears)
     set grossInitialMargin -> value:
          standardizedSchedule -> notional * initialMarginRequirement * 0.01
     set grossInitialMargin -> unit -> currency: standardizedSchedule -> notionalCurrency


Finally, to calculate the net initial margin, we adjust the gross margin to account for existing exposure in the portfolio using the GetNetInitialMarginFromExposure function. This function adjusts the margin requirement based on net exposures, allowing a refined calculation of initial margin. If no exposure exists, the net initial margin defaults to the gross initial margin.

func GetNetInitialMarginFromExposure
     inputs: exposure Exposure (0..1)
     output: initialMargin StandardizedScheduleInitialMargin (0..1)
     alias tradePortfolio: exposure -> tradePortfolio
     alias positions: tradePortfolio -> positions
     alias tradeInitialMargin: positions extract
          StandardizedScheduleTradeInfo {
                    BuildStandardizedSchedule(item -> tradeReference -> trade) -> assetClass,
                    BuildStandardizedSchedule(item -> tradeReference -> trade) -> productClass,
                    (BuildStandardizedSchedule(item -> tradeReference -> trade)),
                    item -> tradeReference -> valuationHistory
                         filter method = ValuationTypeEnum -> MarkToMarket then
                              only-element then amount}
     alias totalGIM: tradeInitialMargin -> grossInitialMargin -> value sum
     alias netCurrentReplacementCost: tradeInitialMargin -> markToMarketValue -> value sum
     alias grossCurrentReplacementCost
          tradeInitialMargin -> markToMarketValue filter item -> value > 0 then value sum
     alias netToGrossRatio: netCurrentReplacementCost / grossCurrentReplacementCost
     add initialMargin -> tradeInfo: tradeInitialMargin
     set initialMargin -> netInitialMargin -> value: 0.4*totalGIM + 0.6*totalGIM*netToGrossRatio
     set initialMargin -> netInitialMargin -> unit -> currency:
          tradeInitialMargin-> markToMarketValue -> unit -> currency distinct only-element


The final calculation step ensures that the net initial margin is accurately aligned with regulatory standards and internal risk management guidelines, promoting consistency and compliance.

The following table provides a summary of each step in our implementation:

  Step Input Function Action Output


Build Standardized Schedule

Trade Data

Build Standardized Schedule

Extracts trade information

Standardized Schedule


Infer Margin Rate

Asset Class, Duration

Get Standardized Schedule Margin Rate

Computes margin rate based on asset and duration

Margin Rate


Calculate Gross IM

Standardized Schedule Margin Rate

Get Gross Initial Margin

Multiplies Notional by Margin Rate

Gross IM


Compute Net IM

Gross IM Exposure Data

Get Net Initial Margin from Exposure

Adjusts for exposures to calculate Net IM

Net Initial Margin

Final Considerations

Implementing the Standardized Schedule Method within the Common Domain Model (CDM) establishes a reliable, structured framework for margin calculations that promotes accuracy, transparency, and regulatory compliance. Key advantages of this contribution include:

  • Enhanced Margin Calculations: This approach ensures consistency and precision, enabling financial institutions to achieve reliable, accurate initial margin calculations across various trades and products.
  • Industry Standardization: A unified calculation method across institutions reduces potential disputes and eases regulatory compliance, regardless of firm size or technical resources.
  • Improved Risk Management: Standardized methodologies enhance risk assessments and streamline processes, allowing institutions to adjust for exposures effectively.
  • Strengthened Market Stability: This initiative fosters greater transparency in OTC derivatives trading, promoting market stability and resilience.

Overall, integrating the Standardized Schedule Method in CDM supports robust, standardized processes, advancing both institutional risk management and broader market stability.

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